Aug 13, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I awoke to a fabulous sunrise from my vantage point perched atop the ridge, ready to hike through the Russian Wilderness to Etna. Or, more accurately, when I awoke the pre-sunrise dawn was just beginning. The sun finally peeked above the horizon as I finished packing...
Aug 12, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I felt well rested this morning and energized to crush some miles through the Trinity Alps Wilderness, even though I woke a couple of times in the middle of the night. The first time, I heard rodents chewing and saw that I had forgotten a snack in my backpack....
Aug 11, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I slept poorly last night. I kept rolling downhill within my tent, even though I propped up one side of my sleeping pad with my clothes bag in an attempt to level it out. Also – I don’t know how they got in my bug netting but ants were all over me last...
Aug 10, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I’m laying on my foam pad next to Lower Deadfall Lake watching the ripples in the water. I just went swimming in Lower Deadfall Lake to wash off the sweat and grime that has coated my body for the past two days. There were a few day hikers here when I arrived,...
Aug 9, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I set my alarm for 5:00 am this morning. Normally I don’t set an alarm on the PCT, but I’m still getting adjusted back to trail life. It’s supposed to be really hot today and I want to get as early of a start as possible to take in the Castle Crags...