Jul 31, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I decided to completely devote today to RELAXATION in South Lake Tahoe! Apparently I am not very good at just taking it easy so I have to schedule a day for resting. No town chores, no blogging, no traveling, no cleaning, no resupplying. It’s harder than it...
Jul 30, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I ate breakfast again this morning at Jax Truckee Diner before checking out of the hostel. I decided to travel to South Lake Tahoe while I healed and waited for the medication to begin its magic. Little did I know that this would turn into an unplanned vacation in...
Jul 29, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
Today I called my doctor first thing in the morning and left a message for his nurse. I had checked my email throughout the day yesterday but did not receive a reply the entire day. I left him another email message and then thought – now what? I’m no...
Jul 28, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I awoke this morning and headed over to the Sierra City Country Store to use the wifi and email my gastroenterologist. I feel stuck in limbo until I can discuss treatment options for my ulcerative colitis with my doctor. I don’t know if he can just proscribe...
Jul 27, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I awoke with one obsessive thought on my mind this morning : GET. TO. SIERRA CITY. I was feeling miserable after my Ulcerative Colitis flare-up on trail and the butt chafing that accompanied it. I packed quickly and was on the trail by 5:45 am and ready for a mad dash...