Jul 21, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I was on a mission to reach Belden today! I had a resupply package waiting for me at the Braaten’s, a local Trail Angel, and I wasn’t sure on the logistics for retrieving it. We planned to hike in and then hike back out the same day so I didn’t want...
Jul 20, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I slept better last night and woke up feeling refreshed this morning. Steaks of pink and yellow streaked the sky towards Mt Lassen just prior to the sunrise. My back and my calf muscles have been really sore lately so I took a few extra minutes to work the muscles...
Jul 19, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I woke up groggy today due to our late evening with the trail angels. Also I couldn’t find my earplugs last night and I kept hearing rustling noises in the woods. It sounded like large animals stepping on the bed of pine needles – I’m pretty sure it...
Jul 18, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
In the morning I awoke to a hotel room all to myself and sighed with happiness. I worked on my blog for a couple of hours and then went to Cravings Coffee Shop next door to the hotel. The proprietor of Antlers Motel had recommended it so highly the night before that I...
Jul 17, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
When I awoke this morning, I decided to hike into Chester and get a hotel room. Our group planned to hike most of the way to town and camp on the trail tonight so as to avoid the cost of a hotel, but I wanted a real bed tonight. My backup sleeping pad hasn’t...