I was on a mission to reach Belden today! I had a resupply package waiting for me at the Braaten's, a local Trail Angel, and I wasn't sure on the...

Hiking long-distance trails is one of my passions. In 2017, I hiked over 1800 miles along the Pacific Crest Trail in a single summer. Read more about my adventures hiking various long trails below.
I was on a mission to reach Belden today! I had a resupply package waiting for me at the Braaten's, a local Trail Angel, and I wasn't sure on the...
I slept better last night and woke up feeling refreshed this morning. Steaks of pink and yellow streaked the sky towards Mt Lassen just prior to the...
I woke up groggy today due to our late evening with the trail angels. Also I couldn't find my earplugs last night and I kept hearing rustling noises...
In the morning I awoke to a hotel room all to myself and sighed with happiness. I worked on my blog for a couple of hours and then went to Cravings...
When I awoke this morning, I decided to hike into Chester and get a hotel room. Our group planned to hike most of the way to town and camp on the...
We hiked out of camp this morning through a burn area and soon crossed over the border into Lassen Volcanic National Park. My first official...
I was feeling last night's alcohol consumption when I woke up this morning. I was a bit woozy and my stomach wasn't very happy with me. But that...
I broke camp around 7:00 am and hiked north along Hat Creek Rim. It was hot and exposed but the views were fabulous. I gratefully topped off my...
On day 80 of my PCT thru-hike, I awoke in the middle of the night to pee and must have accidentally let a bunch of mosquitoes into my tent. I...
I spent today primarily relaxing at the Burney Mountain Guest Ranch, doing resupply chores and waiting out the heat of the day to hike out. It was...
I am an avid hiker, traveler, and adventurer who is on the mission to explore hiking trails around the world.  I’m also obsessed with National Parks, long-distance trails and other outdoorsy things.
I hope to share this knowledge with you and inspire you to explore new hiking trails too!