Hello friends,
After staying put for a couple of years, I’m excited to announce that it’s time for some new adventures. Daniel and I both just quit our jobs and we are planning to travel the world for a few years. We have an empty nest now that his daughter is off to college, and so we figured now is a great time to go on some adventures together.
And so, dear friends, that is why we are madly packing up all of our belongings. We desire a more agile lifestyle that prizes people and experiences over owning stuff. We will be keeping a few things in a 10×10 storage unit, but the mast majority of our possessions have to go. I’ve been gifting items to my local Buy Nothing Group for months, which has actually been a super rewarding experience and a great way to meet the neighbors.
(Tangent: haven’t heard of Buy Nothing you say? The Buy Nothing Project enables communities to give and receive goods and services at the hyper local level. It’s a great way to ask for help from neighbors, or to give back to the community. I’m a huge fan.)
What’s next, you ask?
I’ll finish up the last few days at my job (Daniel already quit his job earlier this summer). We’ll travel around the state and say goodbye to family and friends. We’ll move out of the house that we’ve been renting for the past five years. We’ll travel to the east coast and say goodbye to more family and friends.
And then we’re off! We start our adventure in Croatia where we’ll work our way through the Balkans and Eastern Europe. And from there…. ???
Stay tuned!