Jul 10, 2018 | Best Washington Hikes, Hiking in Snoqualmie Pass, Hiking in Washington
3.6 miles roundtrip 630 feet elevation gain This weekend, I hiked to Talapus Lake with my 3-year-old nephew Ben, my brother Jonathan and my sister-in-law Sarabeth. Talapus is one of many stunning lakes that gives the Alpine Lakes Wilderness its name. The lake is...
Jun 7, 2018 | Hiking in the North Bend Area, Hiking in Washington
7 miles 2850 feet elevation gain While researching new trails that are within reasonable driving distance, I came across Bandera Mountain. I remember seeing the peak on a map when I previously hiked in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness and I was curious to check it out. I...
Jun 5, 2018 | Best Washington Hikes, Hiking in the North Bend Area, Hiking in Washington
5 Miles 200 feet elevation gain On Saturday, Daniel and I decided to explore the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River area. We were looking for a relatively easy trail near Seattle and I wanted to go someplace new. The closest I’ve previously been to the Middle Fork...