Aug 29, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
PCT Day 129 – Sunday August 20 Thielsen Creek Campsite Mile 1853.5 to Mile 1876.1 PCT Miles Hiked Today: 22.6 Total PCT Miles Hiked: 1407.2 Feet Ascended Today: 2682 Feet Descended Today: 3635 Current Elevation: 6003 Steps: 60288 It wasn’t a terribly...
Aug 28, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
PCT Day 128 – Saturday August 19 Grouse Hill Camp to Thielsen Creek Campsite Mile 1853.5 PCT Miles Hiked Today: 16.7 Crater Lake Rim Alternate Trail Miles Hiked: .5 Total PCT Miles Hiked: 1384.6 Feet Ascended Today: 2012 Feet Descended Today: 1376 Current...
Aug 27, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
PCT Day 127 – Friday August 18 Crater Lake Rim Alternate Trail Mile 2.3 to Grouse Hill Camp Mile 11 PCT Miles Hiked Today: 0 Crater Lake Rim Alternate Trail Miles Hiked: 8.7 + 2 miles Road Walk Total PCT Miles Hiked: 1351.6 Feet Ascended Today: don’t know...
Aug 26, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
PCT Day 126 – Thursday August 17 Zero Day in Crater Lake Mazama Village I planned to zero today so I wasn’t in a big hurry to get up this morning. I slept in a bit and then walked over to the Cabin registration desk to see if they had any cancellations....
Aug 22, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I broke camp at a more leisurely pace this morning and left camp at around 7:00 am, looking forward to reaching the Sky Lakes Wilderness in the Fremont-Winema National Forest. I enjoyed the sunrise over Fish Lake as I walked along to the trailhead that lead back to...