Feb 4, 2020 | Travel Turkey, Vagabonding
After spending almost two weeks in Istanbul, Daniel and I had one last item on our list: catching a Bosphorus sunset from the water. We had witnessed several amazing sunsets during our visit to Istanbul so far, but none from a boat. We considered taking a cruise but...
Feb 2, 2020 | Travel Turkey, Vagabonding
When my husband Daniel and I travel to new cities, we don’t always go for the traditional touristy things or guided tours. We like to see things at our own pace and often avoid the super popular destinations. But with a city packed with so much history, we...
Jan 28, 2020 | Travel Turkey, Unicorn, Vagabonding
I am one of those rare people with a birthday that falls squarely on New Year’s Eve. Most people assume that I would love having a birthday on New Year’s Eve because, well – everyone parties on my birthday. But I don’t. I always feel like...