Jul 1, 2020 | Rialta Motorhome Travel
Interested in purchasing a motorhome on Craigslist? My husband Daniel and I purchased our beloved Volkswagen Rialta via Craigslist and it was an unexpectedly harrowing experience. We’ve never owned a motorhome before and had no idea what we were doing. Lucky...
Jun 19, 2020 | Hiking in the Puget Sound & Islands, Travel Washington State
The Padilla Bay Shore Trail is an easy stroll with fabulous views of the Padilla Bay on one side and the picturesque Skagit Valley on the other. The trail follows along top of dike which was constructed where the Skagit River meets the Salish Sea. The path is flat and...
Jun 14, 2020 | Coronavirus Travel, Travel Washington State
Note: I originally wrote this blog post a couple of weeks ago during a storm that knocked out our cell and wifi. When I got back online a few days later, I found a world changed by the brutal killing of George Floyd and global protests against systemic racial...
Mar 31, 2020 | Coronavirus Travel
For the latest status on our recovery from the Coronavirus, check out my COVID-19 Diary. Daniel and I left the cabin yesterday for the first time since I drove him to the clinic to get a test for Coronavirus (COVID-19). I was eager to leave but a little nervous too....
Mar 27, 2020 | Coronavirus Travel
Hello from isolation where Daniel and I are slowly recovering from the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Even though we both have relatively mild forms of the virus, it’s taking longer to recover from it than we anticipated. We’re also a bit paranoid about...