Jun 29, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
Given the late hour that we went to bed, I was pleasantly surprised to sleep well last night. I awoke to the sun beating down on my tent around 7:30 am. The car campground was pretty packed and neighbors walked dogs and chatted amiably even at that early hour. I moved...
Jun 28, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
On Saturday, we spent most of the day discussing where to hike next. A big group of 15-20 hikers at the hotel decided not to hike the Sierras and so we compared notes as we discussed where to go. We poured over blog posts of hikers who were ahead of us to get an idea...
Jun 27, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
I was motivated to get on the trail today since today we’d be hiking into town! The prospect of town food and a bed are very motivating. However, I also knew that it would be our last day in the Sierras for a while so it was a bittersweet feeling as well. The...
Jun 26, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
We got up a little later than planned this morning, as we arrived at our campsite near dusk the previous evening. One of my hiking partners – who shall remain nameless – sadly announced that she had the squirts. We encouraged her to take Imodium as we had...
Jun 25, 2017 | Pacific Crest Trail
We weren’t in a big hurry this morning and took our time to get packed up. I ate a breakfast of blueberry pancakes, sausage and eggs at the Kennedy Meadows General Store. Pancake power! Monarch and I hit the road at about 10:00 am and walked the .7 miles back to...