I awoke to a fabulous sunrise from my vantage point perched atop the ridge, ready to hike through the Russian Wilderness to Etna. Or, more...

Hiking long-distance trails is one of my passions. In 2017, I hiked over 1800 miles along the Pacific Crest Trail in a single summer. Read more about my adventures hiking various long trails below.
I awoke to a fabulous sunrise from my vantage point perched atop the ridge, ready to hike through the Russian Wilderness to Etna. Or, more...
I felt well rested this morning and energized to crush some miles through the Trinity Alps Wilderness, even though I woke a couple of times in the...
I slept poorly last night. I kept rolling downhill within my tent, even though I propped up one side of my sleeping pad with my clothes bag in an...
I'm laying on my foam pad next to Lower Deadfall Lake watching the ripples in the water. I just went swimming in Lower Deadfall Lake to wash off the...
I set my alarm for 5:00 am this morning. Normally I don't set an alarm on the PCT, but I'm still getting adjusted back to trail life. It's supposed...
I was up at 5:00 am today and on my way to the airport at 6:15. I hoped to make it from Dunsmuir to Indian Creek today but I had to get back to the...
I spent a week recuperating in Seattle from my Ulcerative Colitis flare-up. It's the first time that I've arrived in Seattle and not looked forward...
Last night was my worst night yet as far as symptoms go. I was up all night running to the bathroom. I could feel the Prednisone coursing though my...
I was really bored today. Just waiting for my colon to heal is MAKING ME CRAZY! I did accomplish a few things today. I mended some holes in the mesh...
Today I decided to get some town chores in South Lake Tahoe done. Enough with the relaxation! I had some tasks to do that I'd been putting off for a...
I am an avid hiker, traveler, and adventurer who is on the mission to explore hiking trails around the world.  I’m also obsessed with National Parks, long-distance trails and other outdoorsy things.
I hope to share this knowledge with you and inspire you to explore new hiking trails too!