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Pacific Crest Trail Day 126 – Zero Day in Mazama Village

August 26, 2017

PCT Day 126 – Thursday August 17
Zero Day in Crater Lake Mazama Village

I planned to zero today so I wasn’t in a big hurry to get up this morning. I slept in a bit and then walked over to the Cabin registration desk to see if they had any cancellations. Nope. Boo.

Annie Creek Restaurant and Gift Shop

I headed over to Annie Creek Restaurant at Mazama Village for breakfast. Some other hikers invited me to join them. They had started at the northern terminus and were heading Southbound. It was interesting to compare notes and we chatted for an hour over our meals.

After breakfast I headed back to the Cabin registration desk and – oh happy day – they had a cancellation!! I would get to sleep in a real bed tonight!! It wasn’t cheap but I didn’t care. I didn’t feel well at all and was desperate to sleep in a bed.

I picked up my resupply box from the Mazama Village Store and walked back to the campground to wait until my room was ready. I was still feeling tired and my stomach was pretty upset so I decided a nap was in order. I stopped by the bear box to pick up my food bag. It was gone!!! Aaaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhh!! Coorrrrnnndoooggg!!

As mentioned in yesterday’s post, the bear box had both free “hiker box” food and also hikers were storing their food bags in there. It is conceivable that someone may have mistaken my food bag as being part of the free hiker box stuff. But I didn’t really believe that. I’m pretty sure that some jerk just decided to steal my food bag.

Through Hiker Shenanigans

Thankfully, my food bag was mostly empty. I hadn’t yet had a chance to add new food in there from my resupply box. But they took my food bag! I no longer had a receptacle to store my food in! Also my toiletries bag with my toothbrush and toothpaste was gone. What in the world would someone want with my toothbrush? Gross! Lucky for me, I did find my spoon and food cozie (it’s a pouch I use to keep dehydrated food warm as it cooks) in the bear box. I looked over in the other bear box and found my toiletries bag over there. Whew!

Nacho and Me at the Mazama Camper Store

So I went online and ordered a new food bag to be delivered to Bend. In the meantime, I put my food into a trash compactor bag.

Trail Magic Courtesy of Viper and Fun Dip’s Parents

In the afternoon I did my laundry and hung out around camp. Viper and Fun Dip’s parents put on some of the most amazing Trail Magic that I’ve experienced on trail yet at the hiker camp. Hamburgers, hot dogs, fruit, muffins, chips – and real chairs to sit on! Wow! Sadly my tummy wasn’t feeling very well so I nibbled on a muffin and some grapes. It was a very delicious muffin though.

A whole bed all for me? Yes Please!

I checked into my cabin at 3:00 pm. It did not have tv and the crappy wifi did not reach my room. But I didn’t mind at all. I took a heavenly shower and luxuriated in the clean sheets. Sheets and pillows! What a luxury.

My “Cabin”. This place was divided into 4 units.

I ate dinner again at Annie Creek Restaurant and was pleased to discover I was hungry. I ate my whole meal. It was the first time I that I ate my entire meal in several days. I felt hopeful that I was finally starting to overcome this stomach bug.

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Hi, I'm Unicorn!

I am an avid hiker, traveler, and adventurer who is on the mission to explore hiking trails around the world.  I’m also obsessed with National Parks, long-distance trails and other outdoorsy things.

I hope to share this knowledge with you and inspire you to explore new hiking trails too!


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