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PCT Day 132 – Old Blaze Marks and Mossy Trees in Central Oregon

September 1, 2017

I was surprised to discover that it was 6:45 am when I awoke, groggy from sleep. Mists shrouded Lower Rosary Lake, giving it an ethereal effect. I packed up quickly and was on the trail by 7:30 am. I passed the man with the parrot (or whatever exotic bird it was), who had cowboy camped on the shore of the lake a short ways away.

Lower Rosary Lake in the Morning

I hoped to hike 23 or 24 miles today, but shortly after I hit the trail I realized that it wasn’t going to happen. I was feeling really tired and the miles were just not coming easily today. Ugh. I hate days like this.

Trail Junction


I walked through lots of forests today, and I started noticing something new. Marks are carved into trees along the trail periodically. The marks usually look like an “i”, with a small mark and a longer mark beneath it in a line. The marks are always present on both sides of the same tree and look old – these were made a long time ago. I mentioned it to a friend later and he believes they are old blaze marks. Once I started noticing them I began seeing them everywhere.

Blaze Mark

Another Blaze Mark

More Blazes!

Even More Blazes!!!

I stopped for a late lunch at Charlton Lake. The lake is near a trailhead and lots of car campers were nearby. I plopped down at a campsite near the lake’s edge to make some ramen and noticed a group of campers a short ways away. One of the campers had a guitar and accompanied himself as he sang songs by Wilco as well as other artists. He was actually pretty good. It was fun to listen in.

Charlton Lake

Mossy Trees

This Tree is Growing Green Beards

I had been leapfrogging with another hiker named Shutter all day and ended up at the same campsite on Irish Lake. I had hoped to get in a few more miles but decided to call it a day. It meant that I’d have to do more miles tomorrow if I hoped to make it to Bend.

Night night.

Fun Guys!

Another Burn Area

PCT 2017 Stats

PCT Day 132 – Wednesday August 23
Lower Rosary Lake Mile 1908.3 to Irish Lake Mile 1928.1

PCT Miles Hiked Today: 19.8
Total PCT Miles Hiked: 1459.2
Feet Ascended Today: 2543
Feet Descended Today: 2703
Current Elevation: 5563
Steps: 55810

For more on my experience hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, visit my Pacific Crest Trail 2017 page:


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Hi, I'm Unicorn!

I am an avid hiker, traveler, and adventurer who is on the mission to explore hiking trails around the world.  I’m also obsessed with National Parks, long-distance trails and other outdoorsy things.

I hope to share this knowledge with you and inspire you to explore new hiking trails too!


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