Oct 16, 2019 | Hiking in West Virginia, Travel West Virginia
On a recent visit to Huntington, West Virginia, I set aside a morning just for hiking. I didn’t have a lot of time available, so I chose Lost Trail at Beech Fork State Park because it’s a short drive from Huntington. Lost Trail is a pleasant jaunt through...
Oct 15, 2019 | Travel Destinations, Travel West Virginia, Vagabonding
On a road trip through West Virginia in 2019, my husband Daniel and I stopped in the tiny Swiss-German town of Helvetia WV. Founded by Swiss immigrants in the mid-1800s, Helvetia is a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. To get there, our GPS took us on a route that...
Oct 13, 2019 | Travel Destinations, Travel West Virginia, Vagabonding
West Virginia is a gorgeous state with miles of scenic byways through picturesque rolling hills, scenic rivers and stunning valleys. My husband Daniel is from West Virginia and my in-laws like nothing better than to introduce me to the natural wonders of their state....