PCT Days 164 & 165 – Zero Day in Mammoth

PCT Days 164 & 165 – Zero Day in Mammoth

PCT Days 164 & 165 Sunday, September 24 Iva Bell Springs – Cascade Valley Trail Mile 7.8 to Red’s Meadow – PCT Mile 906.7 PCT Miles Hiked Today: 0 Non-PCT Miles Hiked Today: 11 Miles Total PCT Miles Hiked: 1777 Feet Ascended Today: ~1300 Feet...
PCT Day 161 – Surprise Snowfall in the Sierras

PCT Day 161 – Surprise Snowfall in the Sierras

I slept fitfully last night and awoke to the sound of rain on my tent. I tossed and turned and could hear the rain falling each time I awoke. It got quieter as dawn approached and I assumed that the rain had stopped – but I later realized that the rain had...