Oct 4, 2020 | Road Trip, Travel Michigan
Not every day on the road is filled with sightseeing and crazy shenanigans. We spend a lot of time working on our blogs and planning where to go next, as well as doing boring chores around the RV. But sometimes we just need a day to chill out and relax. And...
Oct 3, 2020 | Road Trip, Travel Michigan
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore extends for 42 miles along Lake Superior’s rugged coastline in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. While it’s a gorgeous place to visit any time of year, the autumn is particularly beautiful. The Pictured Rocks fall colors...
Sep 29, 2020 | Hiking in Michigan, Road Trip, Travel Michigan
I gazed across Lake Michigan from my vantage point on top of a sand dune. The sun peeked over the trees just behind me, bathing the area with soft morning light. I took a bite of my freezer bag oatmeal. It’s been long time since I’ve had breakfast on the...