Jan 10, 2020 | Travel Bulgaria, Travel Destinations, Vagabonding
Wednesday, December 18 – Sunday, December 22 Vagabonding Days 79-83 Location: Sofia, Bulgaria After travelling by train for two days from Belgrade to Sofia, Daniel and I arrived to our apartment feeling worn down and exhausted. We both had sore throats and I was...
Jan 6, 2020 | Travel Bulgaria, Travel Romania, Travel Serbia
Travelling via railway has always held a special allure for me. There is something magical and romantic about watching the world go by from the comfort of a train car. In 1988, my family traveled to Disneyland from Seattle on an Amtrak train – a trip which took...
Jan 3, 2020 | Travel Destinations, Travel Serbia, Vagabonding
Thursday, December 12 to Monday, December 16 Vagabonding Days 73-77 Location: Belgrade (Beograd / Београд), Serbia Before we began our vagabonding adventure, Daniel and I decided to get married. We had a lovely little wedding ceremony that was hastily crammed...