Jan 14, 2020 | Travel Destinations, Travel Romania, Vagabonding
Monday, December 23 – Sunday December 29, 2019 Vagabonding Days 84-90 Location: Bucharest, Romania I’ve always wanted to visit Romania. I was first introduced to Romania in middle school when I was assigned to write a report on the country. Ever since then I’ve...
Jan 6, 2020 | Travel Bulgaria, Travel Romania, Travel Serbia
Travelling via railway has always held a special allure for me. There is something magical and romantic about watching the world go by from the comfort of a train car. In 1988, my family traveled to Disneyland from Seattle on an Amtrak train – a trip which took...
Jan 3, 2020 | Travel Destinations, Travel Serbia, Vagabonding
Thursday, December 12 to Monday, December 16 Vagabonding Days 73-77 Location: Belgrade (Beograd / Београд), Serbia Before we began our vagabonding adventure, Daniel and I decided to get married. We had a lovely little wedding ceremony that was hastily crammed...
Dec 11, 2019 | Travel Montenegro, Vagabonding
After rambling around Croatia for 6 weeks, Daniel and I were ready to visit a new country. We heard great things about Kotor, another fortified city and UNESCO World Heritage site, so we boarded a bus heading southbound. It was a short bus from Dubrovnik and we soon...
Nov 23, 2019 | Travel Croatia, Vagabonding
Thursday, November 14 to Sunday, November 17 Vagabonding Days 45-48 KorÄula, Croatia KorÄula. Built on a promontory jutting out from an island, the town of KorÄula has magnificent stone walls that run all around it. Like the other islands we recently visited, it is...